If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to reach out.  I can’t make any promises, but I will certainly consider anything sent my way!   Here are some tips when sending info.  Questions – just ask away!


While I would like to cover all the wonderful groups, restaurants, foods, people and events in the Philadelphia region, I am just one person with some volunteer help from my friends.  Therefore, here are some suggestions:

  • Philly Loves Fun likes to cover events that are out of the ordinary, physically challenging, interesting in a special way.
  • Philly Loves Fun is not specifically for parents and families, but we do like to feature unique, large-scale or interesting family events.  Therefore, we do feature some family fun, but usually not more than once a week.
  • Philly Loves Fun loves to cover new organizations, openings, new buildings, new talent in Philly.
  • Philly Loves Fun appreciates fine foods, but I am not a big foody in the traditional sense.  I really enjoy desserts (especially cupcakes and ice cream), appetizers, comfort foods, fruity spirits and things that blend all or some of these things.
  • Philly Loves Fun likes art and culture, but we try to focus on things that have a fun and/or unique twist.  We probably wouldn’t cover a straight art exhibit, but we might cover a special “singles speed dating event” at the art exhibit.
  • Philly Loves Fun might occasional feature something with a high-end price tag, but in general I like to cover things that are budget-friendly.


If you are having a press event or would like me to review your event, activity, food or organization, please send me an email to kory(at)phillylovesfun(dot)com.  Please put:  Press Event/Press Tickets in the subject line.


If you have an event coming up, let me know by filling out the simple and easy form below.  For straight calendar listings, I will look at this form before press releases.  As the website grows, we will have a calendar of events — so fire away!


If you need anything else, shoot me an email at kory(at)phillylovesfun(dot)com.  Thanks for reading!

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